For amateurs who start in the complex world of surfcasting fishing as for those fishermen always eager to learn new things, there are a series of tricks of those that always “come well”, as they say.
Each technique evolves by leaps and bounds, and finally, the level in this country of surfcasting fishermen can already be compared to fans from other countries that we always looked at from afar. We have learned a lot in recent years. I hope these tricks are useful for you:
Lengthening low
If we are lovers of patience and always plan our trips in search of the biggest and most elusive pieces, the best assembly is the compound of a long gameta of about 2 meters and a half and even more, mounted with a sliding lead discretion and total effectiveness.
The floated floating pearls
Some contraptions that have been reviled until recently but that gain acceptance thanks to their effectiveness. By mounting one or two floating beads near the hook, we will cause the bass to rise from the bottoms and other species of half-waters to enter the bait more easily, such as mullets, salps, dumps or needles. In addition some distrustful bream and gilt will also enter decided, being an ideal assembly on rocky shores.
Experiment in your line basses
Do not cut and ride, with the materials found in the market, many and different low to find the right one for each fish and fishing area. You will see that each species is friendlier with a particular assembly and that each fishing zone has its secrets, since not all funds are the same. Just as a rat-tailed fisherman mounts his flies, the surfcaster must get more out of the line lows.
Vary the color of the pearls, try different knot stops, mount different hooks by varying their length, assemble your own hats … Boredom is over!
Quality hooks
Do not play it Today there are perfect sharpening hooks, capable of penetrating the hardest mouths. You will notice the difference if you ride well hooks. Your captures will more than double. In the fishing shop you will find a great variety at the best price as the hooks of the Asari brand.
And it is that for the gilthead bream and the great breams there is no better bait than a turned and enigrada tita. There are many others but with this bait we play with advantage. There is no gilt that resists the smells of this worm, in addition to enduring the trash that makes us lose so much time with other baits.
Camouflage your leads
If possible we will do with surfcasting fishing leads that mimic the funds. The sand colors are very interesting before the eyes of the fish, which does not relate to danger.
Gets a fishing rod surfcasting to suit you?
Not all amateurs have the same body constitution. At the time of the launch it is the moment in which we will most notice the difference if we throw with more or less heavy equipment. From 3.80 meters to 4.50 meters there are hundreds of models with different weights. Surely we will find the cane that best suits us. We will gain throw distance and avoid fatigue after many hours at sea. In the PeZcalo online store you can find the surfcasting fishing rod that best suits your needs.
Use thin nylon
Still many amateurs load their reels with fishing thread of 0.40 mm and do not dare to throw with a fine nylon of 0.18 for example, with a rat tail bridge. It is true that these thick threads will serve us perfectly in rock or mixed areas or after sea bass and bream that eat near the shore.
But in large sands, catching the elusive gilt in mixed or sandy areas, or looking for blacksmiths, the farther away we launch the better. Large and numerous surprises await us. Throwing over one hundred meters is within reach of anyone with the reels loaded with fine nylon.
Delve into the sea
If we fish on shallow beaches, a very good idea is to go a few meters into the sea to gain distance. It is not the most appropriate way to throw long bass, but when we use shorter assemblies, in these areas you will end up throwing farther than the rest of the fans, being able to take the prize depending on the species you are looking for.
Try surfcasting fishing in the center of the breakwater
When we seek to launch our reeds from the breakwater that protects a port, we always tend to get up early than anyone in search of the much sought-after and sought-after mouth.
Of course, placing yourself at the end of the jetty will give us many joys as it is a permanent area for the passage of fish. But if it is already occupied do not despair. Seeks to place you in the central part of the same and varies the haul distances. The blacksmiths usually spend hours prowling parallel to the jetty, loitering for their funds. As you take the good day get ready to do a great fishing!
The succorful salabre
Many surfcasting fishermen do not like to use the dredge and they see more sporty help from the waves to dry the fish. But if we are about to strand a beautiful specimen of seabream or sea bass and the bass is grazed or, badly hooked, a correct ensalabrado will guarantee a good photo.
Throw close
In recent times surfcasting fishing fishermen we strive to launch the rods as far as possible, beating brands and more brands. And more often than we think, the fish walk mere fifty or sixty meters and even in the same rebate.
Tandem assembly
A very but very appetizing assembly for greedy sea bass and sea bream, is to offer two baits well together so they can not resist to see so succulent delicacy. We knot a short branch near the final hook so that the two baits are close and try: strip of sepia and langoustine prawns, tita turn and Korean … You will see what surprises!
Eye with crabs in surfcasting fishing
When we fish for dorado with crab, a very common mistake among those who start in this world is to offer Mrs. Aurata the live crab as it is. If we do not remove the two hind legs of each side, the crab as soon as it touches the bottom will bury itself in a hurry, thus passing unnoticed before the fish.
You have to let eat
When we notice the bite, our longing makes us often run for the fishing rod and take it out instantly. A serious mistake if what we are looking for are golden, since this fish usually takes its time before swallowing the bait well and before that it likes to chew it, which translates into the cane in those classic touches of toe, to which we must respond calmly until the cane warns us when it is properly folded. And in that moment the combat will be served with the fish well nailed.
I hope these tips and tricks will help you improve your fishing trips and that your passion for surfcasting will continue to make you experiment and want to find out new things every day.
And you, do you tell us some tricks that help us improve surfcasting fishing results? You can share your tips and tricks here: AwesomeFishing