Hamster Care is Not Very Complicated at All – If You Know How

Most people who do not have a hamster or have never had a hamster at all do not realize that hamster care is not really that complicated as they tend to think that it is. There really is not that much that you really need to remember to do to take care of your snuggly little hamster and ensure that he or she or happy, healthy and well cared for. You need to remember to feed your hamster every day, refill their water bottle, change their bedding and keep their cage as clean as you possibly can so that your hamster does not get sick. You also need to make sure that you bathe you hamster once a week to remove all of the dirt and debris from their fur that their own grooming cannot remove.

When it comes to hamster care, the first thing to take care of is feeding your furry little friend a small amount of hamster food every day. The reason that a small amount of food is better than a lot is that these small creatures really do not eat a whole lot of food at any one given time. You might want to check with a veterinarian or animal care specialist about feeding your hamster fresh vegetables and greens.

The next part of hamster care is to keep a fresh supply of cool or cold water in their water bottle for them to drink during the day and at night. The importance here is that the hamster will not want to drink warm or stale water any more than you would. This is not very healthy for the hamster at all.

Changing their bedding and cleaning their cage are the next things under hamster care that are meant to keep your hamster healthy and happy. When you go to change the bedding and clean the debris out of their cage, you can put your hamster in their hamster ball and let them run for a few minutes while you clean out the cage. Your hamster will really enjoy the exercise for a little while and will return to a nice clean cage, which I will thank you for!

The last part of hamster care is to give your hamster a bath once a week to help remove all of the embedded debris, bits of food and bedding from your hamster’s coat as well as to condition it’s coat.

If your hamster has very dull fur it may mean that there is dirt in its fur that it could not get out. This is not a very good situation for your furry little friend to be living with. It is uncomfortable not to mention un-safe for the hamster [http://hamstercare.myreferenceguide.com]. Find out more tips about hamster care at [http://hamstercare.myreferenceguide.com]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alicia_McWilliams/80868

One thought on “Hamster Care is Not Very Complicated at All – If You Know How”

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