3 Tips for consuming protein shakes

Occasionally, you may require additional energy for a certain activity, such as exercising

A protein shake can provide quick energy, as well as essential nutrients to repair and build tissue. Protein shakes can also be part of a weight loss plan. The protein source you use, the amount you consume and when you drink a protein shake influences how it will affect your body.

  1. Choose quality protein: Ensuring that you are drinking a quality protein shake is important.

A product of inferior quality can interfere with your efforts to lose weight or keep you in shape. Make sure you’re using the right kind of protein, especially whole food sources, such as whole peas, organic soybeans, hemp, quinoa sprouts, egg whites and sprouted brown rice, says Ashley Koff, registered dietitian. Prepare your own protein shakes whenever possible and when you have to buy them, check the ingredients.

  1. Just Moment: There is no bad time to drink a protein shake, but there are times when your body has a greater need for the surge of energy it generates.

Consuming a protein shake in the morning when you put one foot out of bed to increase your energy level and increase your weight loss goals, is what TheDietChannel.com recommends. If you use a protein shake to increase your energy for a longer workout, you should consume it one or two hours before starting. A protein shake after training will help restore muscle glycogen levels and accelerate the elimination of post-workout waste. To increase your metabolic levels, take your protein shake immediately before going to bed.

  1. Eat enough protein: Although a protein shake can be a quick and convenient source of extra protein, add whole food protein sources to your diet for better results.

Consume whole food proteins, such as poultry, lean meat, eggs, dairy products and soy. This will provide your body with the essential amino acids that are missing from protein shakes. If your diet can provide enough protein, consume protein shakes only if you need additional energy.

Your recommended daily protein intake depends on your body weight, physical activity and diet goals. An adult requires a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, according to the Dietary Reference Intake of the Institute of Medicine. Pregnant and lactating women need more protein per kilogram of body weight, 1.1 grams and 1.5 grams, respectively.