Proven ways to increase testosterone levels

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, although women also have small amounts of it. It is a steroid hormone, produced in the testes of men, the ovaries of women and the adrenal glands that also produce small amounts buy Nugenix direct. Testosterone is responsible during puberty for one of the main drivers of physical changes, such as increased muscle, lower voice and hair growth.

However, having optimal levels is as important during adulthood as it is even during old age.

In adults, healthy levels are important for overall health and for sexual function. Interestingly, it also plays an important role in women’s health and women’s sexual well-being

In addition, increased testosterone levels can lead to an accelerated increase in muscle mass and vitality in just a few weeks.

The research is quite conclusive: both genders should make sure they have healthy testosterone levels, especially as they get older.

Here you will find ways based on evidence on how to increase testosterone levels naturally.

1) Physical activity and lifting weights.

Physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent many diseases related to lifestyle and also to increase testosterone.

A large-scale review study revealed that people who exercised regularly had higher levels of testosterone. In the elderly, exercise increases testosterone levels and reflexes.

New research in obese men suggests that increased physical activity increases testosterone levels more than a diet to lose weight, both in the short and long term.

Caffeine and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can also be very effective.

Conclusion: All forms of exercise can increase testosterone levels

2) Eat proteins and carbohydrates.

Fish, potatoes and broccoli have an important impact on testosterone, as well as other hormone levels.

Therefore, attention should be paid to calorie intake and long-term diet. In the same way, overeating can alter testosterone levels.

Eating enough protein and carbohydrates can help maintain healthy testosterone levels and optimize levels during resistance training. Likewise, losing fat is associated with testosterone levels.

A diet based primarily on whole foods is the best, with a healthy balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This can optimize both hormone levels and long-term health.

Conclusion: Do not overeat. Try to eat balanced amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

3) Minimize stress and cholesterol levels.

Research always highlights the dangers of long-term stress, as they can raise the levels of the hormone cholesterol.

Cholesterol increases that do not occur naturally can quickly reduce testosterone. These hormones work in a similar way to the ups and downs; when one increases, the other decreases.

Stress and cholesterol help increase food intake, and therefore, weight gain and storage of harmful body fat around the organs. In turn, these changes can adversely affect your testosterone levels.

To maintain optimal levels of the hormone, you should try to reduce stress situations in your life.

Focusing on a diet based on whole foods, regular exercise, good sleep, laughing and a balanced lifestyle, contribute to reduce stress, improve your health and testosterone levels.

Conclusion: High levels of stress are bad for your long-term health and can reduce your testosterone levels.

4) Take a sunbath or take a vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin D is fast becoming one of the most popular vitamins in the world.

Research has shown that it has several health benefits, and it can also work as a natural testosterone booster.

Despite its importance, many people lack sufficient vitamin D, and an even higher percentage has levels below the suggested limit.

A 12-month study found that a supplement of vitamin D3 per day increases testosterone levels by 25%

In the elderly this vitamin D supplement not only helped increase testosterone levels, but at the same time optimized their calcium levels and reduced the risk of falls.

To increase testosterone and benefit from other properties of vitamin D, try to regularly expose yourself to the sun or take about 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 as a daily supplement.

Conclusion: Vitamin D3 supplements can increase testosterone levels, especially in the elderly.

5) Take Vitamins and Minerals.

Certain specific vitamins and minerals can be beneficial.

In one study, zinc and vitamin B supplements increased sperm quality by 74%. Zinc also elevates testosterone in athletes.

Other studies also suggest that vitamins A, C and E may play a role in sex hormone levels, although this needs further investigation.

Conclusion: Vitamin D and zinc are testosterone boosters. Other micronutrients may also have benefits, but require more research.